Tuesday 14 November 2017

We love fruit.

is......Fruit and/ or Vegetables.

Let me introduce you to Cherry and Peaches who love to  read.
Mum wants them to be healthy so she gave them a leaflet to read about
 how fresh fruit and vegetables are good for you.
In the UK it is well published that we should eat at least 5 pieces of fruit or vegetables each day.
I hope the girls enjoy the fruit,
 mum bought rather a lot  for them when she went shopping..

Thank you for calling in to see me, you are always welcome here.

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  1. I never thought of this theme but you made a super page Yvonne. I like to 2 little girls. :) Hope they learn so good eating habits when they read about them. :) Happy Wednesday Hugs-Erika

  2. This is a real health doer for kids at school lesson in Health today. My Granddaughter teaches health as well for her students. So this is a real keeper. Golden Rule Essay.

  3. This is looking so beautifully delicious I think I'll go grab an apple...great job.


  4. If Deann doesn't grab all the apples, I think I'll have one as well. Lovely work!

  5. Delicious page with sweet girls and words. I'd like to grab cherries πŸ’πŸ‡

  6. Gorgeous fruit and love the vintage girls as well!

  7. beautiful! i love the possibilities when working with digital images and you've done it marvelously here. xo

  8. A wonderfully thought through piece, my friend. This is delightful.

  9. Whooo love this. great piece of art.


Thank you for calling in to see me today. You are very welcome here and the comments you leave for me are always appreciated.